Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comunidad Bautista Sur (CBS) @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Comunidad Bautista Sur (CBS)This is a featured page

Acerca de Nosotros Gracias por tomar de tu tiempo para conocer más sobre la COMUNIDAD BAUTISTA SUR.
La Comunidad Bautista fue establecida en Cali, Colombia en el año 1988.
Confiamos que luego de navegar por nuestra página y asistir a uno de nuestros servicios
de adoración llegues a considerar ser parte activa de ésta creciente comunidad de fe.

Lead by your brother in Christ Fred Woods, CBS webmaster offers many ministries for people of all ages
and walks of life who are looking to strengthen their relationship with Christ.

Nuestra Misión
Nuestra misión consiste en cuatro puntos fundamentales:
1) IMPACTAR vidas a través de nuestra propia vida cristiana
2) PROCLAMAR de ésta manera el amor de Dios a otros
3) SERVIR porque a ésto somos llamados
4) ADORAR como una familia bajo un mismo Padre
A Community of Faith

Comunidad Bautista Sur (CBS) Home - Comunidad Bautista Sur (CBS) Since its organization in 1843 on Isthmus of Panama, the Southern Baptist has grown to over 16 million members who worship in more than 42,000 churches in the United States. Southern Baptists sponsor about 5,000 home missionaries serving the United States, Canada, Guam and the Caribbean, as well as sponsoring more than 5,000 foreign missionaries in 153 nations of the world.

Una Comunidad de Fe

La Convención Bautista del Sur (CBS) ha sobrepasado la cifra de más de
16 millones de miembros, con más de 42,000 iglesias en los Estados Unidos
de América. Los Bautistas del Sur sostienen en la actualidad a más de 5,000 misioneros locales sirviendo en Norteamerica, Canadá, Guam y el Caribe, como así también a más de 5,000 misioneros transculturales
en 153 paises del mundo.

Qué es un Bautista?
1) Un Bautista es un individuo que ha experimentado la salvación mediante la fe personal en Jesucristo.
2) Un Bautista es un individuo que reconoce la suficiencia de la Biblia.
3) Un Bautista es un individuo que reconoce el señorío de Jesucristo.
4) Un Bautista es un individuo trinitario en su comprensión de Dios.
5) Un Bautista es un individuo que reconoce la autonomía de la iglesia local.
6) Un Bautista es un individuo que cree en el mandato de la Gran Comisión y se ha comprometido profundamente a la evangelización y a las misiones mundiales.

Our Partner
Fundación Universitaria Bautista.
Carrera 56 No 1B-112
Teléfono : 5517030 –
Cali, Colombia
Pastor: Julio Cesar Beltrán Patarroyo

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University of California Berkeley

CS184.1x Foundations of Computer Graphics

CS184.1x teaches the Foundations of Computer Graphics. Students will be able to make images of 3D scenes in both real-time, and with offline raytracing.
BerkeleyX Nov 05, 2012

Dear Fernando Noveno,

Project 2: Games has been released! Instructions can be found at:

In this project, you will implement the core adversarial and expectimax search algorithms in the context of a Pacman-like game -- this time with ghosts!

Note that part of the project involves correctly implementing specified algorithms, and in this sense may be more like programming projects you have completed for other classes. However, another part of the project involves using your creativity to experiment with some open-ended challenge problems. A few points in the project are therefore more difficult than the rest, and perfect scores will require more than correctly implementing a spec.

The project is autograded: when you submit your code, our servers will check it for correctness and provide you with feedback. You may submit as many times as you like, and we encourage you to keep working on the project as long as you like until the deadline (10/28). Be aware that while the autograders are quite good at catching mistakes, they are not meant to replace your own local debugging efforts. Also be aware that the autograders do get slower closer to the deadline due to increased loads.

We encourage you to work through Lectures 6 and 7, as well as Homework 3, before starting Project 2. As a supplement to the Lecture 6 and 7 materials, we have posted a step-by-step video that gives additional visibility into the operation of alpha-beta pruning.

As always, please avoid posting spoilers or detailed code snippets. In addition, while we encourage version control in any project, please do not host your code in any public place (i.e. please do not use Google code, public Github repositories, public Bitbucket repositories, etc.).

Game on!

Dan, Pieter, and the CS188x Course Team

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