Monday, October 8, 2012

Agenda Cultural @ FIX University / MITx: 6.002x Circuits and Electronics
Hall and Oates were red hot during the late 1970s and all of the 1980s ...
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guiceman-hall-and-oates-custom-shoes. November 3, 2010 by Brandon Laskowski ...
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Hall & Oates, John Rockwood, 1976, Toledo, Ohio Photo
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Hall & Oates Part 1
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John Oates (Hall & Oates) - Memphis-In-May 2010
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Hall & Oates - Our Kind of Soul Live DVD Cover Art. Large Front
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Doing What They Do: Hall &Oates Continue Delivering The Hits And Winning ...
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Hall & Oates Sue Over ...
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So, how fun for me to stumble on a Hall and Oates coloring contest at ...
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Me with Hall and Oates at Work. They were on the show singing a song about ...
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Let's start a political action committee in honor of Hall &Oates!!!"
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Two Hall & Oates fans have formed the Hall and Oates Fans for America Super ...
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Daryl Hall & John Oates (often shortened to Hall & Oates) are an American ...
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Hall & Oates never stopped being cool, even if periodically they've had to ...
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Course Updates & News

  1. OCTOBER 7

    Wow, we're almost at the halfway point of our course! Congratulations on your progress thus far. Today, we have some announcements about assignment policies and the contents of the mid-term exam. We also have more featured contributions by the community!

    Deadlines and extensions:

    We have received several forum posts and emails from students about missing homework or lab deadlines due to work or travel. While we would like to be as accommodating as possible when external circumstances arise, please note that it is not our policy to grant extensions to students on an individual basis because homework solutions become readily available past their official deadlines.
    In most cases, missing deadlines should not be an issue as long as you catch up on the learning afterwards. Only your best ten of your twelve homework scores and your best ten of your twelve lab scores will count towards your final grade, and each individual assignment only effects your grade by 1.5% each. This can add up if bad habits form, but it is generally not disasterous if something unavoidable forces you to miss a deadline.

    Mid-Term Exam:

    The mid-term exam will be released on October 25th at 00:01 am Boston time. The exam is designed to take 2 hours; however, in order to compensate for any Internet or power outages in your area you will have 24 hours to finish this exam. You can start the exam when it is convenient for you, but you must complete this exam by 11:59 pm (almost midnight) Boston time on October 27th, even if that is less than 24 hours after you started the exam. The exam will cover material through Small-Signal Analysis of Transistor Circuits (end of first lecture video sequence of Week 6).
    The exam must be completed online. Please understand that we cannot accept submissions in any format past the deadline, or delay the deadline for individual students for to any reason.

    Star Forum Posters:

    Thanks again to myrimit for helping hundreds of her fellow students with their homework, and taking the time to compile helpful hints for HW2HW3Lab 2 with a great tutorial video, and lab 3. These hints are all compiled neatly in our wiki.

    Due to the YouTube outage in certain parts of the world, we have provided direct links to download the lecture videos, and extended the Week 2 homework and lab deadlines to the coming Sunday (September 30). Please note that Week 3 deadlines have not changed.

    It's Week 2! Keep at it everyone, you are doing a great job!

    YouTube Access:

    Unfortunately, many of you have lost access to YouTube over the past week due to world events, and can no longer access the lecture videos. We are working as quickly as we can on making the videos available to you. As soon as we have a solution we will share it.

    Discussion Forum:

    You may have noticed that we have upgraded the discussion forums to help improve your ability to search and talk about many different topics. We hope the new features are working well for everyone.
    Special thanks to JerseyMark for putting together some tips on how to have a question answered as quickly as possible with the discussion forum. We have slightly modified the JerseyMark’s original with some additional info
    • Be very specific on where you need help. Which part of what problem? Why do you not understand the question? What have you tried doing?
    • Use a descriptive and specific title for your post. A descriptive title will attract the attention of other students having the same issue.
    • Use the search button. There are always going to be people asking the same question, and you will get a faster response by simply searching for an answer than by asking the same question again.
    • Use "nettiquette", or common online writing practices for online communication. Some helpful hints:
      • Try to use proper English. We know that English is a second language for many of you, but if you put special effort into being as clear in your language as possible, your fellow students will be able to respond much faster.
      • Avoid TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Some people read this as if you shouting even if that is not what you mean to convey.
      • Avoid abbrv of wrdz (abbriviating words), or using any kind of shorthand.
      • Avoid reeepeeaattingggg chaaracterrrss (repeating characters), and
      • Avoid excessive punctuation………………????????
    Finally, a friendly reminder to observe the honor code. We encourage collaboration and help, but please avoid asking for and posting blatant answers. Those caught cheating may have their accounts disabled and their progress erased.

    Star Forum Poster:

    This week we had a superstar student who went ahead and helped hundreds of their fellow classmates in understanding the course materials. Thank you to Pennypacker for the quality of your posts and your dedication to answering tough questions!

    Congratulations in making it a week into the course! The first problem set and lab are due this Sunday (at midnight of your local time), and we look forward to seeing your progress. We are extremely pleased to see so much activity on the discussion forum, and we wanted to offer some reactions and advice below.

    Video release dates:

    We were originally intending to release each week’s assignments one week earlier than the videos but are now releasing the entire week simultaneously. Week 4 videos will be released on Monday along with week 4 labs and homework. That pattern will continue for the rest of the course. Please note that all due dates remain unchanged.

    Video player update:

    Several of you have noticed that we temporarily removed our YouTube player customizations due to issues with the YouTube API. Google has fixed the problem, and we have now restored the edX video player.

    Discussion Forum Help:

    The 6.002x teaching staff will be online to answer questions at the following times. Please note that these times are listed with respect to Boston. If you need help understand how these times translate into your local time, find your nearest city here and compare that to the time in Boston:
    • Monday-Friday: 9:00-9:30am, 5:30-6pm, 9:00-9:30pm
    • Saturday: 10:30-11:00am, 1:30-2:00pm, 4:30pm-5:00pm
    • Sunday: 12:00-12:30pm, 3:00pm-3:30pm, 4:30-5:00pm, 6:00-8:00pm

    Discussion Forum Tips and Best Practices:

    We have added a list of tips that will help you get the most out of the discussion forum, as well as some guidelines to clarify the honor code as it pertains to collaboration on assignments.

    Star Forum Posters:

    We would like to highlight two users who really contributed to our community this week. Thank you Nislamand Myrimit!
    • Nislam with his Khan Academy style tutorial video of the AC Power Exercise.
    • Myrimit helping her fellow online students in English y en español, and also with her awesome tutorialof the 6.002x circuit simulator.

    • There was some confusion around how to use the schematic editor, so we have updated the edX tutorial with a more detailed introduction.
    • We greatly appreciate the bug reports coming in via the discussion utility. We will be able to respond to them better if you also provide information about your operating system and browser. Furthermore, if you tag your post with the label "bug", we will be able to search and find those reports easier.

    • Welcome to the Fall 2012 offering of 6.002x! The entire course staff is looking forward to working with you this term.
    • If you would like to buy a print version of the book, a discounted copy is available directly from the publisher.
    • If you are interested, you can watch a description of the tools of the platform, a greeting by the instructors, or you can just dive right in to the course material. There are also several course and system usage handouts in the Handouts column to the right, including 6.002x At-a-Glance and thecalendar.
    • In each of the first twelve weeks you will be expected to do a homework and a lab assignment, due on the Sundays indicated in the calendar. The course also has a mid-term on Octorber 25th and a final exam on December 20th. Enjoy the course!

Course Handouts

  1. Syllabus
  2. 6.002x At-A-Glance
  3. Calendar
  4. Discussion Forum Guidelines
  5. Collaboration Guidelines
  6. Using the Interactive Laboratory
  7. How to Use the System
  8. Forum Schedule
  9. Staff Listing


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