Friday, September 28, 2012

ISBN: 978-958-8705-27-9 "Travesia del Alma" Jenny Cabrera


Novedad literaria


en la 

18a Feria del libro del pacifico

Encuentro de culturas y regiones

Lanzamiento del libro y recital

sàbado 29 de Septiembre de 2012

4 P.M

Auditorio Jorge Isaacs

Biblioteca Departamental

María Jenny Cabrera  (MAYE )

Caleña raizal, (1962) escribe desde su adolescencia, la inspiración inicial estuvo en GABRIELA MISTRAL Y ALFONSINA STORNI, ha sido influenciada por  MEIRA DEL MAR ,  MARIA MERCEDES CARRANZA ,  PIEDAD BONNET, Y LA POETISA DE PALENQUE MARIA TERESA RAMIREZ.
Cuenta con dos libros inéditos y Travesía del Alma, poemario que se lanza en Septiembre de  2012.
  Cuenta con su Blog : MAYECALI.BLOGSPOT.COM ( TRAVESÍA DEL EL ALMA), donde precisamente  desnuda ésta  para dejarnos conocer los sibilino senderos por los que hubo de trasegar para llegar a las letras que hoy relatan su camino sin llegada pero henchido de esperanza.
Es egresada de la Universidad del Valle en  Gestión Ejecutiva  y  fue gestora cultural de su comuna nombrada por voto popular.
Ofició como  presentadora del programa de televisión MAGAZIN  AM.COM y colaboró por algún tiempo con programas radiales al lado de insignes periodistas de la ciudad en procura de incentivar nuevamente una Cali cívica por excelencia.
Creadora y Directora  de la Fundación HACIENDO CIUDAD, HACEMOS  PAIS que propendía por recuperar el civismo de la ciudad y brindar oportunidad de aprendizaje artístico a niños con alto grado de vulnerabilidad. 

Fernando IX University

Un Rincón Poético para caminar juntos en búsqueda de respuestas sobre el dolor, la Soledad, la Pasión y el AMOR


Centelleas en las cumbres
Las más altas
eres sabiduría milenaria;
Heredada del agua
De paso firme y trasegar altivo
La luz de los colores
Iluminan tu risa y tus ansias

Plasmas vidas  en retablos
Esculpes trazos en el alba.
 palabras que enamoran
Brota  tu pluma madrugada

La pasión marcó tu sello
 vibraste y fuiste trueno
 levitó como pluma
la piel que anidaba
entre tus brazos tiernos

montañas de agua etérea
la bañaban
y en una madrugada
  ceñiste  la dulzura
 la esculpiste para el alma.



Cubierto de espejos
la tarde cae en penumbra
los ojos transitan 
en el espacio silente.
el aroma del viento
busca perpetuarse
en las huellas de una imagen
tatuada de versos 


Cali- 2012
Fernando IX University


Esa soy, la real,
taciturna, vaporosa, enamorada
Esa soy
sin deseos, sin sexo, sin mi cuerpo,
sola con mi alma
la del día a día
la que dispone mundos
y por igual su casa

que se viste de vida
para  cuidar  del nido
la que edifica un hombre
la que construye hijos
La que piensa y dispensa
y se arruga y desmaya
la que mira en silencio
Como todo se acaba

Esa soy
la del día a día
Esa  que imagina  que
enamora el alba
y busca en resquicios
de otros alma
y el alma de ella

la que sueña amores,
la que olvida odios
y   las decepciones
las guarda silente
entre ajadas  flores

esa soy
la que se abandona
y se entrega toda
toda en sentimiento
solo con su alma
lejos de su cuerpo

con  sus tantas penas
y escasas  alegrías
que  de vez en cuando
se pretende reina¡, se pretende musa¡,
se pretende hada¡ , nana¡, abuela y niña¡
la que canta versos,
y por quién la vida brinda su ambrosía


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The Best College Radio Stations

CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science IHarvardX


CS50x is Harvard College's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. As of Fall 2012, the on-campus version of CS50 is Harvard's largest course.
Students who earn a passing grade on 8 problem sets (programming assignments - 15-20 hours each), 2 quizzes, and a final project will get an honor code certificate from HarvardX. Students may take CS50x at their own pace, starting anytime after October 15, 2012 and finishing anytime before April 15, 2013.


None. CS50x is designed for students with or without prior programming experience.


David J. Malan, Instructor

David is a Senior Lecturer on Computer Science at Harvard College for the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He received his A.B., S.M., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard in 1999, 2004, and 2007, respectively.

Nate Hardison, Preceptor

Nate is a Preceptor in Computer Science at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He received his B.S. in Symbolic Systems from Stanford in 2010 and his M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford in 2011.

Rob Bowden, Head Teaching Fellow

Rob is a senior at Harvard College concentrating in Computer Science with a secondary field in Mathematical Sciences.

Tommy MacWilliam, Head Teaching Fellow

Tommy is a senior at Harvard College concentrating in Computer Science with a secondary field in Government.

Zamyla Chan, Teaching Fellow

Zamyla is a junior at Harvard College concentrating in Engineering Sciences with a secondary field in Computer Science.


Will certificates be awarded?

Yes. Online learners who achieve a passing grade in a course can earn a certificate of mastery. These certificates will indicate you have successfully completed the course, but will not include a specific grade. Certificates will be issued by edX under the name of either HarvardX, MITx or BerkeleyX, designating the institution from which the course originated. For the courses in Fall 2012, honor code certificates will be free.
If you have any questions about edX generally, please see the edX FAQ.
If you have any further questions regarding CS50x, check the CS50 FAQs. If those don't answer your question(s), then please email

3.091x: Introduction to Solid State ChemistryMITx


3.091x is a first-year course where chemical principles are explained by examination of the properties of materials. The electronic structure and chemical bonding of materials is related to applications and engineering systems throughout the course. The on-campus version of the course has been taught for over thirty five years and is one of the largest classes at MIT. The class will cover the relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and atomic order, and characterization of atomic arrangements in crystalline and amorphous solids: metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and polymers (including proteins). There will be topical coverage of organic chemistry, solution chemistry, acid-base equilibria, electrochemistry, biochemistry, chemical kinetics, diffusion, and phase diagrams. Examples will be drawn from industrial practice (including the environmental impact of chemical processes), from energy generation and storage (e.g. batteries and fuel cells), and from emerging technologies (e.g. photonic and biomedical devices).
Students will complete weekly concept questions, watch videos and work on interspersed exercises, as well as submit weekly homework. Homework assignments may be submitted multiple times until the deadline. Those who earn a passing grade will get an honor code certificate from MITx.


Some familiarity with high school chemistry is useful but not required.


Michael Cima

Michael Cima is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has an appointment at the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. He earned a B.S. in chemistry and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering, both from the University of California at Berkeley. He was elected a Fellow of the American Ceramics Society in 1997 and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2011. Prof. Cima's research concerns advanced technology for medical devices that are used for drug delivery and diagnostics, high-throughput development methods for formulations of materials and pharmaceutical formulations. Prof. Cima is an author of thirty seven US patents, a co-inventor of MIT’s three dimensional printing process, and a co-founder of four startup companies.


Do I need to buy a textbook?

No, a free online version of Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications, First Edition by Bruce Averill and Patricia Eldredge will be available, though you can purchase a printed version (published by FlatWorld Knowledge) if you’d like.

Do I need a calculator?

Any simple calculator will suffice, such as the one provided in the online courseware.

Do I need any other materials?

We will provide both a periodic table and a table of constants.

Will certificates be awarded?

Yes. Online learners who achieve a passing grade in a course can earn a certificate of mastery. These certificates will indicate you have successfully completed the course, but will not include a specific grade. Certificates will be issued by edX under the name of either HarvardX, MITx or BerkeleyX, designating the institution from which the course originated. For the courses in Fall 2012, honor code certificates will be free.

Other questions

If you have any questions about edX generally, please see the edX FAQ.
If you have any questions about 3.091x that are not answered in this FAQ, please email

Thursday, September 27, 2012

FIX University Agenda Cultural OCW @

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The Best College Radio Stations Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Apr 11, 2012
400 × 332 - 130 k - jpg, 25 de mayo de 2012. programación de espectáculos de sala.
341 × 242 - 59 k Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Feb 23, 2012
600 × 450 - 49 k Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Feb 23, 2012
800 × 533 - 86 k - jpg Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: May 15, 2012
412 × 867 - 42 k - jpg Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Feb 23, 2012
800 × 533 - 81 k - jpg Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Feb 23, 2012
533 × 800 - 58 k - jpg Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Jun 4, 2012
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culturalcampus.blogspo...More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
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inglesagibackup.blogsp...Thursday, March 1, 2012
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil Amazon Adventure: Jul 18, 2012
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fixlibrary.blogspot.comInglesAgil A & F (RecStay) Library: 18-jul-2012
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fixlibrary.blogspot.comAJAZZGO 2012: “XII Encuentro de creadores de jazz fusión y experimental”, ...
1505 × 2150 - 2045 k - jpg Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Jul 18, 2012
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fixlibrary.blogspot.comInglesAgil A & F (RecStay) Library: 13-mar-2012
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inglesagilnational.blo...Inglesagil Looks @ EDITORIALS/VIDEO/MUSICA/DANZA/ART/TEXTILES/ EXPOVIAL ...
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recstay101.blogspot.comSÁBADO 25 DE AGOSTO DE 2012
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fixlibrary.blogspot.comInglesAgil A & F (RecStay) Library: 04-may-2012
1500 × 2100 - 2021 k - jpg

inglesagilnational.blo...JUEVES 06 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Mario Roldan Villa @ Club de Ejecutivos as ...
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Theater Performances Find Theatre Orchestras @ FIX University

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Fernando IX University
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The Best College Radio Stations

music.utoronto.caRehearsal on the MacMillan Theatre stage The MacMillan Theatre, named for ...
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bolshoimoscow.comSymphony Orchestra of the "New Opera" Theatre (Orchestra)
600 × 349 - 120 k - jpg

shubertorganization.comBelasco Theatre Interior, Chandelier,
Orchestra and Mezzanine, ...
301 × 229 - 24 k - jpg theater orchestras to hurry the audience out in time for the next show.
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musicathlon.wordpress.comThe orchestra takes a bow at the Shanghai Grand Theater.
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ancienthistory.about.comTheater Layout · Orchestra & Skene ...
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docstoc.comWoodwind Doubling in Musical Theater Orchestras taking the in
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leodis.netNorthern Ballet Theatre Orchestra
500 × 718 - 62 k - jpg parts: the Orchestra, the Scene and the main theatre, called Koilon.
323 × 282 - 23 k - jpg THEATER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA & VALERY GERGIEV. 03 January 2012 20:00
653 × 220 - 82 k - jpg Halbritter Center "Theater orchestras...once played in every hotel, ...
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hansamethini.blogspot.comChungkai Theater orchestra with the cast of Leo Britt's "Wonderbar" (May, ...
400 × 258 - 24 k - jpg American theater orchestras of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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patriotsband.comPhotograph of Patriots Band at Sandusky State Theater
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rivercountryjournal.infoThe Glenn Miller Orchestra at the Riviera Theatre
479 × 329 - 85 k - jpg to the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra and Ballet Lubbock, the Theater ...
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juilliard.eduThe Juilliard Orchestra is the School's major orchestral ensemble.
472 × 234 - 47 k - jpg Wind and Percussion Ensembles, Theater Orchestras, and Choral Ensembles.
1200 × 797 - 216 k - jpg the scoring techniques of the original silent movie theater orchestras.
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More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus in his native Colombia, where he was exposed to a wide variety of music ...
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cantorescc.orgAbout Belford |An accomplished music arranger and composer for vocalists, ...
1120 × 1400 - 844 k - jpg percussionist, composer, arranger and musical director who has been ...
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icelandmusic.isMusic Director Matthew Hazelwood will conduct their final concert of the ...
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rateyourmusic.comMembers, Jairo Varela (music director, vocals), Saulo Sánchez (vocals, ...
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manlywarringahchoir.or...Colombian born Carlos was appointed Musical Director of the Manly-Warringah ...
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mihodiego.comHe is the former musical director of “Fundacion Viva La Musica” and ...
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womex.comStarted as Mktg and Sales Director for CBS Music Company in Colombia later ...
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latina.comGuerra is set to serve as Juanes' musical director for the album, ...
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article.wn.comBlack American girl deported to Colombia. Black American girl deported to ...
480 × 360 - 18 k - jpg and music director, Diego Garcia. Originally from Cali, Colombia, ...
200 × 284 - 19 k - jpg Latin-American & Spanish Vocal Music.Director of the Barcelona Festival ...
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co.linkedin.comDigital & Innovation Director & Sandbox Music Director en Initiative
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kre8trix.comCésar has been a guitarist, pianist and musical director of four of the best ...
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scpr.orgVenezuelan Music Director Gustavo Dudamel conducts 200 musicians of the ...
324 × 214 - 10 k - jpg, Piano, Music Director). Born and raised in Havana, Cuba, ...
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locationcolombia.comSimon Brand, Colombian Director of Wisin & Yandel's “Tu olor” Music Video
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grace-institute.orgGerardo Calderon is the Musical Director of Grupo Condor and Nuestro Canto, ...
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modeweekly.comAn Interview with Glenn Hamilton Music Director and on-air personality for ...
150 × 231 - 11 k - jpg su regreso a Colombia fue director de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá, ...
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